Supply Chain Corruption: The Elephant In The Room

Earlier this month Omega hosted a webinar, in conjunction with the American Apparel and Footwear Association (AAFA), on the challenge of commercial corruption within supply chains. Omega described the risks brands and retailers are most exposed to and the necessary controls they should implement to mitigate them.

The Fraud Triangle: Helping Employees Remain Ethical

A common mistake made by supply chain executives is believing that associates are either corruptible or incorruptible. This is based on the mistaken notion that ‘good people’ are beyond reproach and misunderstands human nature.

Supplier Loans: A Corruption Challenge

As codes of conduct become more established, suppliers and employees find new ways to circumvent the rules. Soft loans are now being offered by suppliers in place of traditional bribes.

Conflict of Interest: A Growing Supply Chain Challenge

While incidents of bribery remain the most common form of supply chain corruption, employees holding conflicting business interests is an ongoing challenge. Consumer brands and retailers, operating sourcing offices in China, are at particular risk.

How Do I Prevent Bribery Across My Supply Base?

Consumer brands and retailers have clear protocols governing unethical supply chain practices within their own organizations.  However, very few have equivalent procedures for managing cases of bribery involving external partners. This is a major blind spot.