Integrity, honesty and transparency are the fundamental principles of our business. We strive to ensure that these tenets are upheld at all times.
Auditor corruption is a significant challenge faced by the supply chain monitoring industry. Omega believes the best bastion against corruption is a proactive approach with a culture of ethics embedded at the core of your business culture. Front and center of Omega’s anti-corruption program is our code of ethics forbidding associates from soliciting or accepting any cash, forms of cash, gifts, meals, entertainment or transportation. After each factory assessment, the supplier is invited to return to the Omega Corporate Office an Anti-Corruption Statement. This document, sent through a private channel, allows the factory to report on the conduct of our auditor(s), with specific reference to corrupt behavior. Should this document not be returned by the factory, office management follows-up.
Omega frequently conducts scenario-based anti-bribery training, clarifying gray areas and communicating best practices. All staff are trained to report incidents of bribery, including bribes or gifts offered by factory representatives which have been refused. Managers are provided detailed instructions in escalation of unethical or integrity-related matters to the Director of Ethics & Integrity or Managing Director, whereby all reports are investigated or handled as appropriate. The Director of Ethics & Integrity continuously monitors all reports and analyses for trends with the objective of sharing best practices with the management team to mitigate future incidents.
Omega supports and respects the protection of human rights. We act ethically and we respect human dignity. Our company policies and procedures adhere to all applicable domestic laws, and are consistent with the United Nations Guiding Principles for Business and Human Rights endorsed by the UN Human Rights Council, and the core labor principles of the International Labor Organization (ILO). It applies to Omega business operations globally. We will use this framework to guide our decision-making.
Omega welcomes reports of suspected misconduct. Should the reporter wish to remain anonymous, Omega has an established partnership with EthicsPoint®, an external party based in the United States providing a multilingual, anonymous and confidential method for the reporting of any concerns or misconduct. EthicsPoint® then immediately relays the information to our in-house ethical monitoring team which reviews the report and follows-up accordingly.
Please take some time to review our Code of Ethics. If you are unclear about an issue or wish to voice a concern please do contact us. The information you provide will be sent to us by EthicsPoint® on a totally confidential and anonymous basis. Our commitment to integrity sets us apart.
Review Our Human Rights Policy